Pet stvari koje danas treba znati: Gasovod Srbija - Bugarska i regulacija AI
Srbija i Bugarska su završile projekat gasovoda, a predsednik Vučić najavio je izgradnju gasovoda prema Vranju.
Rezultata: 72
Srbija i Bugarska su završile projekat gasovoda, a predsednik Vučić najavio je izgradnju gasovoda prema Vranju.
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić najavio je u nedelju u Nišu izgradnju gasovoda prema Vranju.
Srbija i Bugarska su završile projekat gasovoda koji treba da smanji oslanjanje na ruski gas.
The Group shall continue to pursue and strengthen its ESG initiatives. Given everything that we have been through, we have only gained more knowledge and capabilities for another sequel next year
Uroš Ivanc, the Board Memeber, Zavarovalnica Triglav on plans, challenges and key strategic guidelines for 2024.
Our first regional activity is our exclusive sponsorship of the Sarajevo Film Festival, which helped us explore our options when it comes to cultural investments in the region. We are also very proud of our cooperation with Goran Ivanisević, our first regional brand ambassador
Our plan is to expand our presence in Slovenia, and we aim to offer our services and the Bizmatch platform in a broader region. The final goal is not to limit ourselves to any region.
Rusija namerava da izveze 30 milijardi kubnih metara gasa u Kinu sledeće godine i na kraju poveća protok na 38 milijardi kubnih metara godišnje. Zasebne pošiljke putem buduće rute na Dalekom istoku trebalo bi da dostignu još 10 milijardi kubnih metara
The company is attracting and retaining top talents by offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, ensuring that employees are rewarded for their skills and contributions
Also, we wanted to show that there is a group of very open-minded and clever people who can make such software in an environment which is not even close to the western countries. We gave our software name a Perun - a old slovenian God.
We invest in research, new technologies, sustainable packaging development, renewable energy sources, and supply chain restructuring to prevent deforestation and natural resource exploitation
Perutnina Ptuj - Pipo Čakovec has the opportunity to make significant progress in 2024 and further strengthen its presence in the market. This is also a result of improving business operations across all sectors over the past few years
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