Održivost je ključna reč na tržištu luksuza
U poslednjih nekoliko godina kompanije se sve više fokusiraju na etičke i društvene brige i ulažu sve veće količine novca da bi rešile ekološke probleme.
The luxury business is a dynamic and constantly evolving industry. As markets shift and consumer preferences change, luxury brands must adapt in order to stay relevant and competitive. This one-day conference will explore the current state of the luxury market, examine emerging trends and technologies, and provide insights and strategies for luxury brands looking to thrive in the years ahead.
Stephen Webster, Founder & Creative Director of Stephen Webster and Chairman of Garrard, Stephen Webster / Garrard
Ashok Som, Professor, Luxury brand strategy
Farouk Nefzi, Chief Marketing Officer, Feadship
Aleksandra Đurđević, CEO, Delta Auto Group (BMW, Mini, Honda, Maserati, KTM and DPA)
Dušan Simić, CEO, Analytical Gemology and Jewlery, B.Sc., FGG, SGC
David Margason, Managing Director of Porto Montenegro
Marinko Ukropina, Global business strategy and sustainability,Former MD, SGS Adria
Igor Višnjar, dr. med., Plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic and general surgeon, Fellow of Ebopras
Boro Vujović, Founder and Owner, Opereta Real Estate
Anica Radenović, Brand development director Fashion Company and brand manager PVH Group
Neil Emilfarb, President, Statex Group
Andrej Knez, Chief Markets Analyst, Bloomberg Adria
Vesna Damjanić, Editor in Chief TV, Bloomberg Adria
Nataša Davidov, Editor in Chief Luxury, Bloomberg Adria
Jelisaveta Lazarević, Chief Economy Producer, Bloomberg Adria
Ivana Laković, CEO, Luxury Integrated
Ivan Vrdoljak, Presenter/producer, Bloomberg Adria TV
4th October
7:00pm – Welcome cocktail
5th October
9:30am - 10:00am: Coffee, registration and networking
10:00am - 10:15am: Welcome and opening remarks
10:15am - 10:45am: Keynote speaker: "Academic approach to the luxury trends" Ashok Som, Professor, Luxury brand strategy
10:45am - 11:15am: Keynote speaker: "Pushing Boundaries in Luxury"
Stephen Webster, Founder & Creative Director of Stephen Webster and Chairman of Garrard, Stephen Webster / Garrard and Natasha Davidov, Editor in Chief Luxury, Bloomberg Adria
11:15am - 11:30pm: Bloomberg Adria analysis
Andrej Knez, Chief Markets Analyst, Bloomberg Adria and Ivana Laković, CEO, Luxury Integrated
11:30am - 11:55pm: Coffee break
11:55am - 12:50am: Panel discussion: "Navigating Changing Consumer“ Preferences"
Farouk Nefzi, Chief Marketing Officer, Feadship,
Aleksandra Đurđević, CEO, Delta Auto Group (BMW, Mini, Honda, Maserati, KTM and DPA)
Igor Višnjar, dr. med., Plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic and general surgeon, Fellow of Ebopras
Moderator Ivan Vrdoljak, Bloomberg Adria TV
12:51am – 12:53 am Sponsor Spotlight
12:53am – 2:10pm: Networking lunch
2:10pm – 3:05pm: Panel discussion: "Sustainability and Ethics in the Luxury Industry"
Dušan Simić, CEO, Analytical Gemology and Jewlery, B.Sc., FGG, SGC
Marinko Ukropina, Global business strategy and sustainability, Former MD, SGS Adria
Anica Radenović Brand development director Fashion Company and brand manager PVH Group
Moderator Vesna Damjanić, Editor in Chief TV, Bloomberg Adria
3:05pm – 4:00pm: Panel discussion: “Real estate luxury on Adria region”
David Margason, Managing Director of Porto Montenegro
Boro Vujović, Founder and Owner, Opereta Real Estate
Neil Emilfarb, Statex Group President
Moderator Jelisaveta Lazarević, Bloomberg Adria TV
4:00pm – 4.10pm: Closing remarks and networking
*Bloomberg Adria reserve the rights to change the programme
U poslednjih nekoliko godina kompanije se sve više fokusiraju na etičke i društvene brige i ulažu sve veće količine novca da bi rešile ekološke probleme.
Potrebe kupaca luksuznih nekretnina promenile su se poslednjih godina.
U hotelu "Regent" u Porto Montenegru Bloomberg Adria je svečano otvorila dvodnevnu konferenciju posvećenu budućnosti luksuza.
Prva regionalna konferencija o industriji luksuza okupila je na jednom mestu vodeće stručnjake iz sveta i regiona koji su publici približili nove trendove u industriji i izneli svoja očekivanja kuda se ona kreće.
Završite podešavanja profila kako biste uživali u personalizovanom sadržaju.
Linkedin pretraživač može ograničiti određene funkcije našeg sajta.
Da biste pristupili svim funkcijama sajta i osigurali najbolje korisničko iskustvo, otvorite ovaj link u eksternom pretraživaču.
Kliknite u gornjem desnom uglu na ikonicu , zatim izaberite opciju "Otvori u pretraživaču"